“Luna de la Noche”- Okewaite Winter Solstice
“Winter Solstice is believed to be among the oldest seasonal festivals know to mankind, marking the shortest day and the longest night.
During the Solstice the sun dies and is reborn.
Winter Solstice is a time to come out of hibernation and celebrate with feasting and fellowship.
Don your warmest garb and join Okewaite to herald the rebirth of the sun and rejoice in the returning of the light.”
DATE: Saturday 22nd June, 2024. LOCATION:538 Berrima Road, New Berrima.
BOOKING OFFICER: Kimberly Farrell Jacobs celtickimmy71@icloud.com

Rowany Festival
Rowany Festival is the largest event in the Kingdom of Lochac. Affectionately shortened to just ‘Festival’, it is hosted each year by the Barony of Rowany over the Easter long weekend. Festival has been held in many locations, and is currently in the cooler climes of Camp Wombaroo in the Southern Highlands, near Mittagong.
The Festival has been running since April 1983, is the longest running medieval/living history event in Australia. It is the largest SCA event in Australia.

Fields of Gold
Fields of Gold (FoG) is a weekend long event (Friday to Sunday), hosted by the Barony of Politarchopolis, and has recently become the biggest event in the Barony.
Fields of gold includes multiple tournaments across all SCA skill-at-arms activities; armoured combat, rapier, archery and equestrian. The event also includes various Arts and Sciences classes and competitions, and markets.